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Freelancing Optimizes Parenting

Writer: Rinagil IsananRinagil Isanan

Parents who are freelancing manage and accomplish exactly the term work-life balance.

freelancers parents
Photo by Brittany Simuangco on Unsplash

On a personal note, I experience that #freelancing complements parenting goals. It is like mango and shrimp paste (bagoong) tandem. Come to think of this, how many jobs are allowing parents particularly mothers, to wait for almost 2 hours for their child’s play class to end, to run errands, and to make groceries with pay?

Most naïve parents imagine that work-life balance is easy. After having kids, parents realize that raising kids is a full-time job. The attempt to work on top of raising children is way too much for some people. However, parents who are freelancing manage and accomplish exactly the term work-life balance. Here are some reasons why freelancing optimizes parenting goals.

Freelancing Parents optimizes the following Parenting Goals.

Parenting Goal #1: Childcare

freelancer child, childcare
Photo by Aaron Mello on Unsplash

I am certain that most parents want the best care for their children. Some would agree that mothers and fathers are the best child carers in the world. Full-time jobs do not permit parents to personally take care of their children. On the other hand, childcare costs so much that regular employees cannot afford. Full-time employed Filipino parents tend to leave childcare responsibilities to grandparents.

Meanwhile, not everyone is blessed to have grandparents to babysitting their grandchildren. Though many parents wish to hire a reliable childcare service, let just say that it is an impractical choice.

Freelancing parents balance their work and childcare goals excellently. #Freelancingjobs offer parents greater flexibility in terms of time management. Freelancing parents choose to prioritize childcare and manage a good-paying job all at the same time.

Parenting Goal#2: Quality Family Time

parenting goals, family time
Photo by Daiga Ellaby on Unsplash

When family time is heard, most people think about the beach or a quick getaway from the city life. A common theme for #freelancingparents is their ability to head on to the nearest beach to spend some quality family time. Children and spouses need to be together as frequent as possible and enjoying life as it is.

Freelancing jobs optimize parenting goals for family time simply because of its work flexibility. Freelancing parents can schedule their work properly so they can spend enormous time with their children and spouses.

Parenting Goal #3: At Work and Not At Work Schedule

Freelancing dad
Photo by Caleb Jones on Unsplash

Most parents cannot separate work from home. Although full-time working parents are already at home, they cannot help working. Freelancing parents are different. They know exactly how to separate work from home. For parents who do not know how to separate the two needs to know how #freelancingjobs work.

Freelancing parents have strict ‘at work’ schedule. It means that they devote certain time just for freelancing work. On the other hand, freelancing parents have ‘not at work’ schedule. It means the schedule is just for their children and spouse. Freelancing teaches parents to separate ‘at work’ and ‘not at work’ schedule.

Parenting Goal #4 Flexibility during Emergencies

freelancer mom
Photo by Jordan Whitt on Unsplash

Being a parent requires a person to become flexible. It is because children and other family emergencies do not follow a schedule. Hence, it is a goal of every parent to have a flexible schedule for sudden family issues or concerns. Having a regular and full-time job makes one follows a stiff schedule. Freelancing jobs offer a lot of free time which makes freelancers performs flexible tasks. Freelancing parents can immediately attend to family emergencies because their jobs allow it.

Today, freelancing parents are beginning to reap the benefits of their job on their parenting goals. Some would say that #freelancingjobs help them to give 100 percent attention to their children’s education and development. Meanwhile, other freelancing parents believe that their jobs improve the quality of their family time. They would all agree that freelancing jobs improve and optimize how they take care of their children while performing well in a freelancing career.

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