Rinagil Isanan

Apr 22, 20204 min

3 Things To Build Your Email Marketing Strategies For Your E-Commerce Business

E-commerce businesses rely on emails to continuously get in touch with their clients.

You’ve probably scoured the Internet to read blogs, catch e-books and even watched webinars to learn about email marketing strategies.

It all looks exciting, right?

I think by now you’ve agreed that email marketing should be part of your overall sales & marketing plan.

But before you get started, there are 3 tools you need to make sure you are on the right path.

3 Tools For Your Email Marketing Strategies

1. Email Marketing Automation

Email marketing’s biggest goal is to get people inside their sales funnel, nurture them and turn them into customers. This goes to your anytime of business. However, I believe that email marketing automation is a lot crucial to e-commerce business.

Consider thanking someone after they purchased or even do an upsell before they complete their purchase.

Basically sending emails has a repetitive process.


Someone purchased for the first time ---> you must send a thank you email ---> store customers information - send regular update

A person abandons her cart ---> you must send a follow-up email ---> store customers information

A person opt-ins through a lead magnet ---> store customers information ---> add that person on a nurturing sequence

Though the process of someone getting your funnel is repetitive. There are some things you need to consider;

How fast you should send a follow-up email after someone abandons the cart?

How to sent nurturing emails to new subscribers?

Where can I store subscriber information and purchase history?

This is where email marketing automation comes into play.

With the help of email marketing automation tools, you can get subscribers’ information and send the right email at the right time.

Also, it helps schedule sets of emails to nurture your subscribers without spamming their inboxes.

Hence, email marketing automation apps help you reach your customers at the right time and in the right way through emails.

E-commerce business owners can choose from different email marketing automation. For me, they work the same in terms of storing your subscribers in one place and helping you send out email strategically.

In this blog post, I’ll be featuring two e-commerce email marketing automation apps that can help you start and implement your strategies.

MailChimp & Klaviyo are two of the options for e-commerce business owners to automate their email marketing. I chose these two because it allows you to start for FREE and upgrade later.


MailChimp is an all-in-one marketing platform. With it, you can gather all the audience data that will help you create personalized emails. You can also create different sign-up format to help you get new contacts.

Of course, you get to send out professional emails for your brand. Its drag-and-drop builder makes it easy to create emails.

Then the automation features allow you to reach your audience at the right moment.


Klaviyo is an e-commerce marketing software that allows you to create personalized emails.

They have a lot of templates that you can choose from.

One thing that I like about this platform is that it has built-in email flows to welcome new customers, abandoned carts, potential clients and more.

So if your new to email marketing, Klaviyo helps you get started REALLY EASY.

But the best part of Klaviyo is its analytics. It has real-time analytics that shows you real-time data.

So, these are just two of the e-commerce marketing automation that you can use for your business. But my point is you need an email marketing automation app to build your strategies.

2. Email Opt-Ins & Landing Pages

Now that you have an email automation tool, you need people to get to your subscriber’s list.

When people visit your website, your email opt-ins entice people to sign-up. It can be popups, embed forms, floating bar and more.

Optinmonster has a guide to help you understand these different option types and how you can use them on your website.

The idea here is that you’re inviting people to sign-up and receive your emails. The common practice is to offer something in exchange for subscribing like a discount coupon or free shipping.

Neil Patel shares a list of amazing email opt-ins tools that you can use. Feel free to check the list here.


3. Email Marketing Specialist

There are tons of effective email marketing strategies and you can’t do all of it by yourself.

Well, you can if you insist but let me tell you, there’s surely a trade-off.

As a business owner, there are so many things that need your attention. That’s why you’ll need an extra hand to execute your strategies.

An email marketing specialist helps you plan your email marketing calendar, the type of content you’re going to share on your subscribers, design your opt-ins and many more.

I’ve mentioned that some areas of email marketing are repetitive but not the most important aspect of it which is: STRATEGY.

Not all email marketing strategies will fit your brand. You need a professional who can strategies your over-all email marketing efforts based on your brand.

Your email marketing strategies should be amplified by your ads, social media marketing and even your content marketing strategies.

An email marketing specialist sees everything in a bigger picture. He or she can help you plan out everything to achieve your desired effort.


Now, you’re on your way to reach your target customers, nurture them in whatever stage of buyer’s journey they are and get repetitive sales.

Email marketing can help you do that! For your e-commerce success, cheers!

Need help in your email marketing strategies? Let's chat! Send me a message at rinagilisanan@gmail.com
